Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Blog #19: Thoughtful Presents


Of all the Christmas traditions, I gotta say present shopping is my least favorite. Not really because I’m cheap (well….I am, but that’s not my reason), but because it has become so stressful. I hate that feeling of wandering in a store aimlessly, trying to find something, anything, for someone, with that constant “What to get, what to get, what to get…” mantra going off in your mind, until finally, you are pressured by said mantra to buy something completely unnecessary and probably overly priced. Ugh.

The only time I like giving presents is when I know that I’ve got something that the person is going to love. Something that is going to make them either laugh or cry, something that is either going to touch their hearts or really make them realize that, wow, she really cares about me. I love that.

One of my better presents has been something I made. One year, I made a photo album filled with old pics for my dad. I decorated it with stickers and quotes. I remember how much he loved it, and how special it seemed to him. And that was one of the best feelings ever.

I just find it sad that the thought has gone out of presents. All it is now is stress, or impersonal. You can go to Wal-Mart and pick out a gift card for dozens of different places. You can order things online instantly and have them gift wrapped and shipped to whomever they are going to. Sure, its handy; but is that the best way to tell each other that we love them?

I love presents. Don’t we all? However, I would prefer a hug and kiss any day. It makes me sad that we all feel so pressured by present buying, and that we forget what this time of year is really about. Regardless of your beliefs, I like to think that we all consider this a time to be with family, friends, and those close to us.

I hope you are able to take a moment during the hustle and bustle of the season to remember what is important to you. : )

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