...But, eventually, I will blog again. : )
Like now!!
So, remember when I was going to have Tuesday be tune day, and Friday be movie day? And then....I haven't done it since? Yeah, I suck.
So while the Monkey is napping (poor thing, got sick last night), I will try my darndest to do catch-up. Let's begin.........................
Blue October is probably one of the BEST bands out there today. Their songs are deep, powerful. Their music is potent and beautiful. While some of their songs kind of make you want to drown in the bathtub, some of them are achingly joyful. All are beautiful, especially their ballads. They are incredibly inspirational (especially to write to- even as I listen to them right now, I can't type fast enough to keep up with what my brain is coming up with), and horribly under-rated. My BFF found probably their first popular song, "Calling You", on a soundtrack (I think for the American Wedding movie???? Not sure), and we've both been addicted to them ever since.
This song in particular makes me think of lost loves. Strange? Probably. I am happy where I am in life, and I know that where I am, and who I am with, is where I am supposed to be. That said, I know there were men in my life that I also loved before my husband. Even if it doesn't work out, love is still love. Blue October has gotten me through a lot of emotional moments in my younger life. You know, the time that you are feeling way too much and just don't know what to do with it all. I am one the kind of person that, when I feel something, I am obsessed with finding a song that explains that emotion perfectly. I think maybe its so I don't feel like I'm insane for feeling that certain way, and so I know I'm not alone in that feeling. More times than not, Blue October has sung about those unexplainable emotions.
Songs of Blue October's that I also recommend: "Hate Me", "Into the Ocean", "Everlasting Friend", "Calling You" (probably the best love song ever), "Sexual Powertrip" (yes, its a little twisted) and "18th Floor Balcony" (and, on their Foiled album, the hidden track after this!).
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