Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Film Day: Southern Flair

I have always loved stories that are based in the South. There's something about the region...something magical, eerie, potent. Somewhere between the home-cooked hospitality and the voo-doo believers there's something that intrigues me so. Toss in a dash of murder mystery and you have yourself a great little tale. : )

I don't remember how I stumbled upon this movie, but I watched it one night when I still was single and living alone back in Montana. I was instantly hooked and it became one of my all time favorites. I'm not even sure why. I don't like death and killing, and I'm definitely not into voo-doo. But the story's so well unravelled that I can't help but be sucked in. Then, of course, there's John Cusak, whom I've always been a fan of, as well as Kevin Spacey, who is excellent in this film.

Oh, and then there's the fact that it's set in Savannah, GA. Maybe that's my biggest draw, in some self-absorbed way. While the city isn't really my name sake, AND I have yet to visit, I still feel as though it has some claim on me. Someday- soon- I will travel through this mysterious town's streets, and wonder about all its secrets.

Any city's secrets you'd like to explore??

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