Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sing a Little Song...

Well, I have decided that Tuesdays will be Song Day here at the ol' Puddles of Sunshine blog. Today I will be performing..............................................just kidding. I am not, nor ever will be, performing. I left those days back in high school band class, thank you very much (and to Mr. Nelson's relief, I'm sure). However, while I am no good at being musically inclined, I do love listening to music, and therefore, since its such a big part of my life, and I have CDs scattered all over the place (my house, my car, my work office...), its only fair that I blog a bit about it, right? And so, from this day forward, Tuesday blogs will showcase one particular song that I love, for whatever reason.

Today, for our first song blog, I thought it would be good to do a song that I have always had a special spot for in my heart (which will probably be the case for most of the songs showcased on Tuesdays!). Please take a listen, here:

Ah, yes, Jimmy Buffett. Those of you who know me well probably saw this coming. Jimmy has been in my life for as long as I can really remember. My mother and I used to listen to him in the car as we drove around town- often in blizzarding snow and cold- running errands. Jimmy was one of the inspirations for me to move to Florida. Jimmy (and my father) helped introduce me to margaritas. Jimmy soothes my soul, makes me laugh, and sometimes...makes me cry.

This song in particular is one that has gotten me through this past year. My husband and I had a few instances where we were apart for more than a few days (long, long story), and this song kept popping into my head everytime I got lonely and sad from missing him. Its important, as a married couple, to not only survive things, but to thrive. However, I think there are some cases that if you do survive, that is thriving all on its own. Some things in life are such a struggle that if you refuse to let them beat you, you've already won.

I hope you enjoy the song, and the new Tuesday way. : )

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE me some BUFFET!! And..I introduced MY MOM to margaritas!! Life is good. :)
    Oh...I gave you a blog award! Check it out.
