Sunday, July 26, 2009


It was my hubby's birthday today. This is him with our little boy, and his yummy birthday cake.

Birthdays mean different things to different people. I'm pretty basic about them: I get cake. And presents. They aren't as fun as they are when you are a kid, but as long as I get cake, I'm good. I try not to read into it so much. I try not to let myself sink into that number, whatever it may be that year. I know, I'm only 25, no big deal. But its already slowly catching up to me. My ten year high school reunion is just down the road. Time is flying, and I feel as if I am not even trying to keep up.

But as long as there's cake...............ha ha.

You can't regret. It takes up too much time. You just have to love what you've got in that moment, make the mistakes and learn from them if you can, eat cake when you want to, take a chance, love who you love, try not to hate, maybe eat a veggie now and then (well, tryyyyy), dance and sing, be happy but cry if you need to. Breathe. It just goes by too fast to really dawdle. So just get to the point of your life, and do it. Whatever you feel is meant to be. Make it happen.

And always, keep a smile on your face. Frosting and all!

If we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes.
- Euripides

***This post is dedicated in loving memory to my grandfather, John Erdman, who left our lives to go fishing in the big ol' blue in the sky one year ago today. We love and miss you, Grandpa. Behave yourself.***

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