Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Film Day

Okay, soooo I said expect a new post this afternoon, however....I came home and took a nap instead. What can I say? It was something I just had to do. Please forgive. It's been a surprisingly long two days- those kind of days where the world just does not want you to get anything right. The kind of day that you just want to go home and put your sweat pants on. Although in this case I put on track pants- ironic, since the only track I use is the one in the carpet between the couch and the kitchen.

*BUT, I DIGRESS......*

Anyway, my lovely readers, I've decided that, like Tuesday, Friday should have a fun little theme of sorts. Since I'm already covering music, what is the other passion of mine, entertainment-wise? Don't worry, I'm not going to review what happened on the latest reality shows- while I admit that I watch them, I would never "review" them. What's to review? No, no, I thought we could chat about......movies! *Da da-da daaaaaaaa*

Alright. Just......bare with me. Maybe the nap wasn't as effective as I thought it was. Anyway, I thought I'd pick a movie that is a personal fave, and then talk about whyyy its a fave. Ingenious, I know. ; )

My first pick, of course, is going to be one of my very all time favorites, if not the favorite. Its sort of a chick flick- wait, what am I saying? Its a total chick flick. There's crying and music and girly moments and men being nincompoops and unexpected pregnancies and big hair....its great.

This is one of the few movies that I think ended up being better than the book it was based on. That might be because I saw the movie first, and read the book much later on. First off, I seriously heart Bette Midler. She's just...fabulous. And Barbara Hershey? So beautiful. I just love this story of life long friendship between two people that really live in entirely different worlds. They are so completely opposite, and yet love each other so much, and recognize one another's beauty, even when other do not. Plus, its got its funny moments, as well. Bette Midler in a bunny costume? Please.

I highly recommend this movie if you have not already seen it. I will warn you though, its a serious tear-jerker. I bawl everytime I see it- and I've probably seen it at least 100 times by now. Oh, and also- the soundtrack is pretty magical. I wore out my mother's tape version while growing up- I would spend my mornings before school rocking out to music, including songs from this film. Which drove my mother crazy. Of course, she was the one who introduced this movie to me, and so whenever I watch it, or hear the music (such as the song below), I think of her. She is, after all, my first best friend. : )

But enough about me, let's talk about you....what do YOU think of me? ~ C. C. Bloom, Beaches


  1. I LOVE this movie my mom and I used to watch it all the time =D My favorite part is the Boobie Play lol

  2. I've also seen this movie countless times and I always bawl at the end too. Its one of the only soppy movies I watch everytime it comes on tv. Too good.

  3. I still call bras over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders. Cracks me up!!!
