Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 6: Something You Hope You Never Have To Do

Is it a bad sign that I can only think of incredibly awful things to write about for this topic? Nothing like, I hope I never have to eat bugs for a million dollars, or I hope I never have to be embarrassed in front of a crowd of people. Although, now that I think of it, I hope I never have to do either of those things, either. But no- my first thought was, I hope I never have to go through losing my baby. As in, I hope he doesn't die before me.

Whoa. I just went there.

It's a terrifying thought though. And definitely something I hope I never have to go through. I'm not even entirely sure I would be able to get through that. I think it would be something that would drive me over the edge of reason.

Once, when I was working at Disney World, and little boy ca
me up to me with his mother. They were renting a stroller for the day- which happened to be Fat Tuesday. As I rolled one to the mother, she said to her little boy, "Give her one of your necklaces" and the little boy took a set of Mardi Gras beads from around his neck and handed it to me. It was then I noticed he wore a purple tee shirt that read, "Make a Wish", and a baseball cap that covered his bald head.

My heart will never forget that moment, or that little boy and his mother. That was quite a few years ago-- I don't know where either of them could be now. I only hope that they had the best of days at Disney World. And I hope they help me remember to cherish every single moment I have with my little Monkey Man.

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