Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 13: A Band Or Artist That Has Gotten You Through Some Tough Ass Days. (write a letter.)

Dear India.Arie, (Okay, seriously? Not writing a letter. I already sound like I'm writing to a pen pal in the second grade. Nerd alert!)

Scratch that. : )

Christmas 2005 was a rough one. I'm usually a fairly
chipper person; I'm not one to get depressed during the holidays.
I enjoy them. But this Christmas just felt different, in a crappy way.

I was 22. I lived alone, but was staying at my parents house for Christmas.
I was staying in my dad's office, that a little fold out bed in it- now I
cannot remember why, or who was staying in my old bedroom. But it
wasn't me. : )

So. Christmas Eve I was feeling blue, for some reason- or probably a
multitude of reasons. Instead of shopping for others, I ended up
buying myself a CD. That CD was India.Arie's Voyage to India.

I don't think I've ever listened to an album so much, over and over,
obsessing over every cord, every melody, every word like I
did with that album. I'd lay awake in the dark with my headphones
on, listening to songs on repeat as they soothed my soul.
I was going through a lot of weird love things- loving a guy thousands
of miles away (who had no idea), breaking up with a guy who'd
proposed to me only a year before, still flirting and going out
and meeting new guys all the was my young and free
stage, but for some reason it was way too stressful for me to
deal with. This album somehow cleared the murky waters, it
was a balm that could be smoothed over my heart.

I am still to this day, in love with India's music. Anytime I get stressed
at work, or in life in general, I pop her into the CD player. She is my
ultimate chill-out guru. : )


  1. Now I'm really inspired to find this CD. For some reason I have never been exposed to India's music...? I find this odd since I've heard her name before.

    It's amazing how music really has the power to heal sadness and anger. Music has a lot of invisible powers, I believe.

    My musical savoir was Morrissey. I was going through a major depression five years ago after a boyfriend cheated on me and Morrissey's music saved my life. So I totally understand this post. xo

  2. India is brilliant. All of her CDs are great, that one just happened to be the one I picked up that day (thank goodness for sales!).

    Morrissey...guess we'll have to trade off! :)
