Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 12: Something You Never Get Compliments On

Until recently, I've been slightly terrified of cooking. I had a bad experience when I was about 13, and it'd scarred me mentally. So then when I got married, I slooooowly came out of my cooking shell.

And I'm not bad! I'm still definitely a beginner- and strangely enough, I think I'm better at baking than actually cooking (did NOT see that coming). But I've also made a few better-than-edible things.

Every dinner time, we'll sit down to eat, and the Hubs hardly ever says a word. Nothing. Zip. I have to ask if its good, if he likes it, ANYTHING. I have to literally fish for compliments. I shouldn't, it's shameless, but I so desperately need that verification from him that I'm doing well, that I did something right, that I made him happy. It's so frustrating. And sad, because I feel like when it doesn't come willingly, I failed again.

I know I'm reading too much into it. First off, Hubs is very basic when it comes to food. He's very meat-and-potatoes. He doesn't like anything "different" or "exotic". And by exotic, I mean like goat cheese. He'd rather starve. So it is kind of tricky cooking for both of us when we have such different palettes. We don't even like any of the same veggies (his list is even shorter than mine, which I was unaware that was possible!). Second...the man's eating. That alone should tell me that its at least edible, right?

Still. It'd be nice to hear it, once in awhile. : )

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