Sunday, July 3, 2011

It Gets Hot Here...Did You Know That?

I'm sitting on the porch at my parents house at 6 o'clock at night, and it's currently 90 degrees outside. Dang!

The extended weekend has thus far proved to be very successful. We had our big bbq yesterday- went off perfectly. The water balloons were a HUGE hit with the young people, the food was delish, the sun was out, and it was a happy day. I am so blessed and grateful to have such good people in my life.

While not the best picture, I think it kind of defines the kids on
the 4th.
A whirlwind.

Today was less thrilling, although in my book it was still successful since I did as little as possible. :) Worked on my flip flop tan line (you guys, I'm suddenly OBSESSED with a flip-flop tan line. I think I might start a club or something), watched the Monkey play outside with his cousins that live next door, napped...I know, really difficult life. SO glad I have an extra day tomorrow to do something constructive (like, er, laundry. Meh.).

And how is YOUR Independence Weekend going? :)

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