Monday, March 7, 2011

Things To Be Missed

While moving is a grand adventure, and in my heart I do think it is the right thing for my little family, that doesn't make it entirely easy. There are things I will miss from Orlando, FL. Here are a few:

1. The Orlando Magic. They have been the only team to ever get me into basketball. As I type right now, I'm watching them on TV. I will forever consider them my hometown team, and I will forever BE MAGIC.

2. Walt Disney World. The reason I ever came to this crazy town to begin with. If I look at it that way, I owe Disney World everything. But simply, they provided me with a job, with meeting incredible and crazy people, with more memories than I could ever scrapbook. I will miss using my annual pass to walk in anytime I like as if I own the place. :)

3. The balmy winter weather. Okay, so really, it has been pretty chilly the past two winters. I mean, it even got down to like 29 last year. Ew! But compared to where we're going- Helena, MT- it is definitely balmy. And I will miss that very very much.

4. The beach. So it is still a drive from where I am right now, but only about a half an hour. Soon it will be a two day drive away. And even then it won't be a warm beach!! I am hoping to squeeze in one last beach trip before the move.

5. The little lizards. If you've ever been to FL, you know we have little lizards all over the darn place. My first few visits to FL I thought it really strange, but now I'm used to them. I think they are so cute. Just don't try to catch one by their tail- I tried that with one in my bedroom once didn't end well. The lizard kept going and the tail stayed behind. :(

6. The gorgeous, beautiful, lush landscaping. Everywhere. I love the palm trees, I love the flowers, I love the bushes. It's all so pretty.

7. The smell of orange blossoms. They deserve their own number because they smell THAT good. Even though the scent only lasts a week or two, it is the most amazing smell that I will forever hold in my heart. And I don't care how silly that sounds!

8. The year-round Farmer's Markets. Not only do they have them year around, but there are multiple ones, with amazing produce. Helena has one, in the summer, and it's hit or miss.

9. The lack of ice on the roads. I mean, really. I hate driving in the snow/ice. I'm not sure how I'm going to go back to it. I think I'm kind of hoping that it will either never be icy on the roads ever again, OR I will be able to hibernate and not have to drive between November and March. :) A girl can hope, right???

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