Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine’s Day…the movie


Okay, so yeah, I’m a girl. There are times I like to watch chick flicks. I can’t help it. I like happy, cheesy, good feeling movies. It’s just part of my charm.

So. Tonight I went to see Valentine’s Day- you know, the movie with all of Hollywood in it?- with a couple of gals, in spite of the horrible early reviews by the critics. What do they know about what I like, anyway? Nothin’.

Anyway…you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I did. First off, I like just about everyone in it. Second, I love movies that have oodles of people in them- like I’ve said before. Not only do I just like getting my money’s worth on movie stars, I also enjoy watching the how-everyone-connects-together game the movie has to play out. It’s fun.

So. Basically, I recommend this movie. Its a little girly, although I think that many men would probably find a few funny parts too. Ashton was probably my favorite; he’s so sweet in the movie, plus he plays a florist and wears a pink tee-shirt through the entire film. It made me smile.

Oh, and also? May I please defend our little Taylor Swift? Because I recently read an article dismissing her as an actress because of this movie. First off, she plays our typical ditzy, teenage blonde- its her JOB to annoy us a bit. And yes, she played an idiot beautifully. However, I don’t think that’s as deep as her acting abilities get. She was on CSI last season, as a pretty creepy teenage girl that ends up getting killed. It was a much different portrayal than this movie, and it was good.

There. I’ll step off my soap box now. : )

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